The Success of a Start-Up: Examined from Creativity, Innovation, and Knowledge
This study describes the phenomenon of the success of start-up businesses in Tulungagung, indicating stagnation and suboptimal performance, examined through the aspects of creativity, innovation, and the knowledge of the entrepreneurs. The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial knowledge on the success of startup ventures. The research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a survey distributed through questionnaires to gather responses from 60 startup entrepreneurs. Multiple linear regression analysis is employed to analyze the data. The findings of the research suggest that creativity does not exert a significant influence on the success of startup businesses, and similarly, innovation does not play a significant role in determining their success. On the other hand, entrepreneurial knowledge demonstrates a positive and noteworthy effect on the success of startup businesses. Concurrently, when considered together, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial knowledge collectively exhibit a positive and significant impact on the success of startup businesses. In summary, an enhancement in creativity, product innovation, and entrepreneurial knowledge, when undertaken collectively, leads to an augmentation in business success. Conversely, a simultaneous decrease in these factors results in a decline in business success.
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